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Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay

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I wish a man like Spicey would have seduced me when I was 14. It would have been perhaps the beginning of an amazing adventure for me.

It is amazing how easily we rush to judge and point fingers, when we ourselves participate in illegal activities and are easily judged and discriminated by mainstream society.

I guess it makes you feel good to be the one pointing your finger to others. Good for you.

What illegal activities are we participating in?

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Who is arguing that Spacey got to the top by being a predator? They're saying his being at the top enabled his predation.


That was my point, pages ago, exactly as you stated. Being a predator did not get Spacey to the top. His talent did. Once there, his power enabled him to exercise his predatory behavior, which is abhorrent. Period.


The nice thing about what is happening now is it is teaching the up and coming Kevin Spaceys that everybody you are predatory to on the way up is potentially somebody who will wave to you and tell their story as you are plummeting back down.

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How nice! Our daily dose of White liberal supremacist bullshit.


Why do you have to keep quoting what I say and distorting it into something I didn't say? Is it perhaps because your goal is to just troll and insult people who don't conform to your ideas, wherever the opportunity arises?


You start by acknowledging and repeating my point, which is that you are highly unlikely to get to the top in Hollywood without having talent. Like Spacey, or Eastwood, or Gibson. Probably I lost you right there. How dare I say anything nice about people whose political views you don't approve of!


Then you distort my words beyond recognition, except perhaps in the cozy little bed you share with your handmaiden William. Now I'm a purveyor of a meritocracy myth, who is uncritical, and who argues that talent is extremely rare, or even non existent among, say, Asian Americans. Funny how I didn't actually say any of that. Although it sounds like perfectly fine White liberal supremacist bullshit to me, if that's what you are going for. We surely are all against discrimination against Asian actors, aren't we?


Did I mention how my friends still make fun of me because I cried like a baby watching Slumdog Millionaire?




But of course, facts or understanding an argument are never necessary for you to pile on about how people who don't agree with you are idiots, or for William to complain that people who push back when you call them racist steaming piles of shit are somehow bullying you. That's the routine, and I must say you exercise rare talent in pulling it off, daily. Although, actually, I think you missed a good opportunity to hijack a thread about Spacey and twist my words to imply that I think most Black actors are untalented, so I must be a racist. But we'll let this one slip, okay?




If there's a casting call for White liberal supremacists, I'll be sure to let you know.


Meanwhile, please let this thread be a discussion about Spacey's predatory behavior, and save your trolling and insults and White liberal supremacist dogma for the politics section.


And by the way, for the record, Hollywood needs to do a better job of finding and honoring actors who are not White, say, like Oprah Winfrey or Dev Patel or Freida Pinto. But that's a different subject, okay?

bigjoey likes this. Of course! It's not a reply to a coherent comment, it's a string of diversions and non sequiturs with shiny gifs...

Edited by Kenny
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I thought men on here were paying for time spent together.




Thank you. Speaking only for myself, I'm a professional. I was paid for my time, and I consulted on issues like hair, fashion, and sexual finishing.


And frankly, I wish Spacey had hired me. He's always had bad hair, and he's never been good at denial.




Maybe a little bit of Steven's Sensitivity Training could have helped him avoid this mess.

Edited by stevenkesslar
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Being a predator did not get Spacey to the top. His talent did. Once there, his power enabled him to exercise his predatory behavior

It may not be fair to speculate, but is it any wonder why he was so careful to keep his private life "private?" IME, predators tend to be very controlling people, and they really like to control what others say about them. Hiding under the premise of "privacy" helps to tamper rumors. One can only imagine the trail of gropes and forced tongue lashings that Spacey has left behind. I can see a lot more men coming forward with their stories.

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No sir. In general I dissaprove this kind of relationship. What I am saying is that I would never rush to easily judge anyone in these controversial issues. And here too many are already condemning him so easily.

He judged himself before any of us "rushed" to do it. He offered no denial. He suggested the possibility of drunkenness. He apologized.


He said he was "beyond horrified" by what he might have done. Yeah, well ... me too! Seems to me, I was just agreeing with him!

Then he made things exponentially worse by trying to use being a gay man as an excuse for coming on to a 14-year-old who did not want to be come on to by Kevin Spacey. And that was disgusting.

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He judged himself before any of us "rushed" to do it. He offered no denial. He suggested the possibility of drunkenness. He apologized.


He said he was "beyond horrified" by what he might have done. Yeah, well ... me too! Seems to me, I was just agreeing with him!

Then he made things exponentially worse by trying to use being a gay man as an excuse for coming on to a 14-year-old who did not want to be come on to by Kevin Spacey. And that was disgusting.


This is now turning into a pile on, but it really does belong in the textbook for how not to respond to an allegation of this nature.


I am actually surprised. I would not call myself a fan of Spacey, any more than I am a "fan" of thousands of actors who I've enjoyed seeing in films. A few times over the years I've seen him interviewed on talk shows, and he seems to be bright, articulate, charming. And.....duh.......he's an actor. So I would have thought he'd be capable of better than this.


If there is any judgment I would rush to, it's that when you corner a serial predator, he or she is always going to be unprepared. I guess it goes with the territory that they just don't think this shit through, do they?

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Interesting article:



Also a quote from author James Grissom

Gay pundits’ overblown protests of disgust at Spacey support the very structure of pedophile sex panic—the hyperventilating reduction of queerness to child abuse—that they are trying to fend off. To be clear, under no clinical diagnostic I know of does a drunken, aggressive, and deeply stupid pass at a teenager qualify as pedophilia.

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This Kevin Spacey scandal continues to expand at a rapid pace. CNN reports that the House of Cards set was a “toxic work environment” with Spacey harassing young men pretty much at will.





Kevin Spacey made the set of Netflix's "House of Cards" into a "toxic" work environment through a pattern of sexual harassment, eight people who currently work on the show or worked on it in the past tell CNN. One former employee told CNN that Spacey sexually assaulted him.

The former production assistant, whose account has never previously been disclosed, told CNN that Spacey sexually assaulted him during one of the show's early seasons. All eight people, each of whom spoke to CNN on the condition of anonymity for fear of professional repercussions for speaking out, described Spacey's behavior as "predatory," saying it included nonconsensual touching and crude comments and targeted production staffers who were typically young and male.



The new accusations follow an explosive article published less than a week ago by BuzzFeed News, in which actor Anthony Rapp said Spacey made sexual advances toward him in 1985, when Rapp was 14 years old.


On Monday, Spacey released an apology in response to Rapp's account. "I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago," Spacey said. "But if I did behave then as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years."


Spacey's publicist said in a statement on Wednesday that the actor is seeking unspecified treatment following Rapp's allegations.


Production of Season 6 of the series was shut down this week. Netflix and the production company Media Rights Capital issued a joint statement Tuesday to say that they are reviewing the "situation and to address any concerns of our cast and crew." Spacey is also one of the show's executive producers.


The former production assistant who spoke with CNN said Spacey sexually assaulted him one afternoon when the assistant was assigned to drive to an offsite location to pick up Spacey and bring him to the "House of Cards" set, which is located about 30 miles outside of Baltimore.


The production assistant says that when he and Spacey were just minutes away from the set and while the car was moving, Spacey, who was driving, put his hands down the production assistant's pants. The production assistant told CNN that the touching was nonconsensual.


"I was in a state of shock," he said. "He was a man in a very powerful position on the show and I was someone very low on the totem pole and on the food chain there."


The production assistant asked that what happened next in the car not be described, for fear that it would identify him.


Once they had arrived on set, the production assistant says he helped the actor take his belongings from the car to Spacey's trailer on set. While the two men were in the trailer, the production assistant says, Spacey cornered him, blocked his exit and made inappropriate contact with him.


"I told him, 'I don't think I'm ok with this, I don't think I'm comfortable with this,'" the production assistant said. That's when the actor became "visibly flustered," fled the trailer, got in his car and left for the remainder of the day, according to the production assistant.


The production assistant did not report the incident to any managers of the series or the police, but he did tell a coworker at the time. CNN has spoken to the coworker to corroborate the production assistant's story.


The alleged sexual assault came months after the production assistant had, he told CNN, complained to a supervisor that Spacey was sexually harassing him. The supervisor's solution was to never let the production assistant be alone with Spacey while they were on set, the production assistant says.


The assistant said the harassment then stopped for long enough for him to feel comfortable driving with Spacey to the set.


"I have no doubt that this type of predatory behavior was routine for him and that my experience was one of many and that Kevin had few if any qualms about exploiting his status and position," he said. "It was a toxic environment for young men who had to interact with him at all in the crew, cast, background actors."

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The Slate article posted above by @hornytwells was published one day before The Guardian added much more information about Kevin Spacey engaging in questionable activities with underage males in England.

my point was not to question the veracity of the other accusations, but more a question of whether or not this incident with Rapp really counts as pedophilia if nothing sexual occurred? I think Grissom has a point

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The closet kills. The latest casualty: Kevin Spacey's reputable career.


Since he's allegedly guilty of doing this more than once, it isn't over. However... I feel his corpse is being driven over so many times that he's flatter than any roadkill. Not that I am making any excuses, mind you, but he did apologize. All gays are required to apologize, after all. If you are straight and doing far worse, either Miramax or Murdoch will pay off your legal fees in hush money or you can become president of the United States.


1986 was a year full of closets. Back then, Jerry Falwell was overjoyed that AIDS was taking its toll on "them" and nothing was done about it in Washington. After Rock Hudson's death, Liz Taylor played to a city of crickets. Of course, Top Gun had to have the mandatory heterosexual bedroom scene involving Kelly McGillis to prove Tom Cruise wasn't... you know.

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Also not justifying predatory behavior but both showbusiness and the corporate world are not true meritocracies. For untalented people and those without the right connections, the casting couch was an effective means of career advancement. Were I propositioned by a reasonably attractive boss, I might just bite. ;-)

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